Sunday, September 30, 2012

PlayMg dontcha wanna know

Does this sound at all familiar: "Mom, can I have your phone? What's your password? Can I buy this app? I wanna play games on your phone?" I hear it all the time from my two daughters, which is one of the reasons I'm excited about MG (more game) - the first dedicated portable Wi-Fi gaming system for the massive 60,000-plus Android freemium app games market. MG eliminates the need for packaged games or expensive data plans that come with smartphones, and caters to the 63 million kids under 18 years, 39 million of which - like mine - do not yet have smartphones. With MG, kids get to enter the world of freemium Wi-Fi App gaming while parents can safely and affordably give it to them. And finally, we parents won't have to share any more and can reclaim our tablets and smartphones.

The MG Family Collaboration System—a new feature in the portable gaming space—includes “Digital Wallet” and “Remote Trust” notification functions. The MG “Digital Wallet” lets parents create "game allowances" through reloadable BillMyParents SpendSmart prepaid MasterCard. Teens have the freedom to discover, download and play the games they want from the app marketplace, while staying within set spending limits defined by their parents. Parents can also opt in to MG’s “Remote Trust” notification to receive instant text or email updates on MG activity. When an MG gamer enters her BillMyParents account number into the MG’s Family Collaboration System app, she can see her SpendSmart prepaid MasterCard balance right on her device. The BillMyParents SpendSmart system allows parents to remotely observe how their teens are spending their game allowances via text, email or by going online, and encourages family dialogue about smart spending habits. Parents can even lock or unlock the card with a text message if necessary. MG is the first to include a BillMyParents SpendSmart prepaid MasterCard directly into the MG device, giving parents an easy, safe way to moderate teen gaming purchases, while reinforcing the concepts of budgeting and making smart spending choices.
Making MG an even better value is the news that it will come pre-loaded with two hit games from EA ready to play right out of the box - 'Need for Speed Hot Pursuit' and 'NBA JAM'

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